Friday 21 November 2008


The Entrepeneur term introduced by economic experts from Austria named Joseph Schumpeter in the years 1883-1950. Entrepeneur means someone who is always looking for a change. Entrepeneur considers the changes as the norm or something that's good. Usually Entrepeneur make changes to things that already exist or have been found previously. But there is also a success Entrepeneur because he discoveries something new. Entrepeneur always looking for changes, respond it and utilize the opportunity and do it creatively and innovatively. Businessmen are the changes made in the production process so that can appear and disappear in a process in the overall management of a company.
Meanwhile, to be smart Entrepreneur, we should be able to create new business, creative and innovative with the risk of failure and benefit that would not be gain or even losses. But the smart Entrepreneurs should be looking for external opportunities and threats that can be overcome with knowing the internal strengths and weaknesses.
It is smart Entrepreneurs should be able to use the ability of right brain and left brain optimally, the right brain as a source of creative and innovative thinking and left brain as a source of logic, and carefully calculated. Also, the use of intuition and the information intelligently . Intuition is the ability to know things without conscious.

Source : Smart in Entrepeneur by M Suyanto

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