Friday 21 November 2008

What is strategy ?

The number one base of business are designing and maintaining the clear and focus strategy. But what is strategy ? According to Jack Trout in his book "Trout on Strategy", the cores of strategy are survive, perception, being different, competition, specialization, simplicity, leadership and reality.
Good strategy is how to survive in the competitive situation. The real winning of the company in a competition is winning the communication competition. The example is positioning strategy in marketing positioning in a change of the advertisement, including the changes of name, price, package and cover. Not a changes of all side of product. Positioning is a something that you do for your customers mind, to place the product into your candidate of customers. The best approach for the public or your candidate of customer is through a simple message.
Good strategy is being different, be the first, be a leader and dominating the attribute, event and production process. It is too late if we want to follow the leader and being the second.
The core of strategy is a competition. Recognize your competitors, avoid their strengths and exploited their weakness. Even we need a spy to check our competitor and listen the idea of our staff in the field.
It is better to be excellent in one segment than good at all segment. Tell your customers that you are a specialist. Because the customer want a best service in just what they needed. Being a specialist impresses that we are an expert and it can produce a faith of the customers.
The core of strategy is a leadership. No one will follow you if you yourself don't know where to make a step. Akio Morita leads Sony to find a new market opportunity called " Pioneer Spirit ". Sony is a pioneer and never thinks to follow the other. They crate handycam, first home video recorder and floppy disk. Their most famous discovery is Morita's ideas about walkman.
Reality is the core of strategy. The core is market reality . Even the chairman can't do all things but have to pay attention in market reality. How to dominate a market ? The answer is Positioning. The First Rule of Positioning is " It is better to be the first than to be the better "

Source : Smart in Leadership by M Suyanto

GooGling Tips

These are some tips when you want to "Googling" :

  1. Add the quotation mark ("...") if you want the more specific result. Just try to type this character in front of a keyword (without spacing). With quotation mark in the beginning and ending of the text/ keyword, Google will serve exactly searching result for you.
  2. Add mark ( ~ ) for word's synonym. Therefore, Google will searches pages with the keyword or its synonym.
  3. Click "Images" if you want to looking for pictures. Google will show you many pictures with the link for each picture.
  4. Type longer words in order to find more relevant result.
  5. You can use Google as a calculator. Just type the numbers that you want to process in the searching box, Google will process it like a common calculator.

Source :

Reduce The Failure of Change

Entrepreneurs is someone who is always making changes and innovations. Innovation in improve the system or something exist and create new systems or discoveries something new. Entrepreneurs are the best way to face of global crisis and the rapid growth of the world's population. But why so many people do not dare to make changes?
Because change things have a very high risk, the results are not certain and have a high risk of failure. Because many people think that a Entrepreneurs have already started their talent and intuition since birth. Someone who wants to innovate means that people must be out of the Comfort Zone . In fact all people can learn the ability to make changes.
Here are some tips to reduce the failure risk in making innovation :

1. Note human aspect to make changes. Most agencies more consider the technical aspects, financial and operational to make changes. The reality is the human factor as a factor that has the art and intuition in facing external changes are often ignored because they assume that the human factors is only needed to create ideas, not on the process of change.
2. Plan changes well. Many people think that the changes is abstractly and spontaneously. But actually, the changes will be good changes that done gradually and planned. By analyzing the internal and external factors, the changes that are made more precise and direction.
3. Changes often failed because they failed to build coalitions or strong support. They should be wiped vision and goals before making an innovation so at the time that the changes have been made, there are no parties who feel aggrieved and eventually do something to impede the process.

Strategic Intent VS Strategic Management

Intent strategy is a strategy based on a dream or vision. Strategy Intent, the dream must have obsession to successful and should be achieved in gradually. In pursuing the dream of this strategy, the future of not only the need but imagine the rise. But the architect in the need to create things that have not yet been created. That the need for cooperation among leaders and employer. In implementation strategy based on this dream in need is a strategic architecture the combined knowledge of the future, behavior, values, social structure and financial structure.
While the strategy management or strategy planning or corporate planning, only to see the event now in its analysis among the SWOT Components (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) more oriented on the issue at this time than opportunities and threats in the future.

Source : Smart in Entrepreneur by M Suyanto


The Entrepeneur term introduced by economic experts from Austria named Joseph Schumpeter in the years 1883-1950. Entrepeneur means someone who is always looking for a change. Entrepeneur considers the changes as the norm or something that's good. Usually Entrepeneur make changes to things that already exist or have been found previously. But there is also a success Entrepeneur because he discoveries something new. Entrepeneur always looking for changes, respond it and utilize the opportunity and do it creatively and innovatively. Businessmen are the changes made in the production process so that can appear and disappear in a process in the overall management of a company.
Meanwhile, to be smart Entrepreneur, we should be able to create new business, creative and innovative with the risk of failure and benefit that would not be gain or even losses. But the smart Entrepreneurs should be looking for external opportunities and threats that can be overcome with knowing the internal strengths and weaknesses.
It is smart Entrepreneurs should be able to use the ability of right brain and left brain optimally, the right brain as a source of creative and innovative thinking and left brain as a source of logic, and carefully calculated. Also, the use of intuition and the information intelligently . Intuition is the ability to know things without conscious.

Source : Smart in Entrepeneur by M Suyanto

Be a leader in Big vs Small Company

Become a leader in a big companies is an achievement which is expected by all of the people. Need more time, energy and the sacrifice of mind to be in the top position. Most of the founders of a leader is at once the owner of the institution / company. The owner of a company must have the soul of business. Businessman is someone who always want to develop a business and want to generate more money each time. One is to establish new institutions to extend their authority. But why not many leaders of companies interested in establishing a new company? And not much of them success after try it?
Some of them think that establish a new company will be a guarantee to develop their business.
Become a leader in the management of the work is the ability to require more thought and creativity than technical work. A person who get used to become a leader in large companies will tend to work with the mind. He is not accustomed technical work that is usually done by employees in his “Big Company”. Even in small and new there is not enough employees who can do the technical work. Therefore, once a leader of the founder must be willing to do the work of technical instruments. But not many successful business people are able to do so! You wanna try?

An Internet Business Tips

Be careful if you want to try an internet business. Many website promise to help you get a lot of money for a moment. But don't worry. Here I tell you some tips :

1. Choose business website which has a good track record.
2. If you have choose certain business website, ask references from the members who have try the benefit from the website and have prove that the website has a good credibility.
3. If you still confuse, just visit and choose category Rekomendasi and they will recommended you some good and save sites for business.

source :